Faculty Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences

Eine Person sitzt am Laptop. Im Hintergrund tippt eine Person etwas in ihr Handy, während sie an einen Roboter lehnt.. Midjourney (CC BY-NC 4.0)

The new bachelor's degree programme in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science starts in the winter semester. Start your studies in the AI city of Bamberg.

Vier Personen schrauben an einem Rechner Midjourney (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Designing systems, developing software, proving theories: The expertise of existing and new professorships flows into the restructured bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science. Find out what's changing.

Eine Frau arbeitet an einem Tablet Midjourney (CC BY-NC 4.0)

The new master's degree programme "Interaction Research & Design" brings together computer science, design and empiricism. Apply and experience the unique curriculum.

Science at a glance

In close cooperation with other Bamberg departments, fascinating topics in information systems and applied computer science are researched at the faculty. The following dossier pages provide an insight into selected fields of focus.


Prof. Dr. Christian LedigBenjamin Herges / Universität Bamberg
Stephanie Fröba / Universität Bamberg
Theresa Henn
Schaubild zum Aufbau des BaCAI